Monday, December 14, 2009

Baking Galletas

Today My Dad and I baked galletas. Cookies. :) I asked him last night. He was excited like me. Mi abuelitas helped us too! We had lots of fun! My Dad is off of work too. He doesn't have to go back until January! All week we are going to do things together.

We made biscochos and wedding cookies. Those are my favorite. My Dad wanted chocolate chip cookies too. He made some sweet bread. We have lots of good things to eat now. Mi abuelitas are excited to have some galletas with their coffee. I think they will like them.

I tried some wedding cookies. We made them small. But they are still my favorite. :) They were messy too! I was covered in powder sugar. But they are really good. My Dad couldn't find his recipes. But he remembered them. He's got a good memory. Maybe he will let me post his recipe. I just have to ask him to write it down for me. :) C

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