Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Like This Blanket

I found this blanket on Ruby's blog. I really like it. This blanket was made my Ruby's husband's grandma. I don't think there is a pattern for it. But I really like it! I like the colors most of all! I want to get better at crochet. I want to make me a blanket like this one.

My Nana has crochet me 2 blankets. I like them both a lot! 1 of them is on my bed. I sleep with it every night. It matches my room. The other one, is in the living room. That way when I watch TV, I can use it. It's my favorite color!

But I really want to make me my own blanket. I wonder how hard it is to make a blanket like this. Maybe I should show my Abuelita this picture. She can help me make one. :) C

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